M Square Motivation & Corporate Training

Enhancing Emotional Intelligence and Self-Awareness

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  • Enhancing Emotional Intelligence and Self-Awareness

Enhancing Emotional Intelligence and Self-Awareness

Enhancing emotional intelligence and self-awareness is a transformative process that empowers individuals to better understand and manage their emotions, navigate social interactions, and foster personal growth. Workshops and programs focused on enhancing emotional intelligence and self-awareness provide participants with tools and strategies to develop these critical skills.

Through interactive activities, discussions, and self-reflection exercises, participants explore the components of emotional intelligence, including self-awareness, self-regulation, empathy, and interpersonal skills. They learn to recognize their own emotions, understand their triggers, and effectively regulate their responses in various situations.

Additionally, workshops may address techniques for improving communication, resolving conflicts, and building healthy relationships based on mutual understanding and respect. By enhancing emotional intelligence and self-awareness, individuals can cultivate deeper connections with others, make more informed decisions, and lead more fulfilling lives both personally and professionally.

  • Understanding Emotional Intelligence (EI)
  • Recognizing and Identifying Emotions
  • Managing and Regulating Emotions Effectively
  • Developing Empathy and Social Awareness
  • Improving Interpersonal Communication Skills
  • Practicing Active Listening and Reflective Communication
  • Cultivating Mindfulness Practices for Self-Awareness
  • Utilizing Feedback for Personal Growth and Development
Duration Course Fee(INR)
Per Week 10000